Jannah of Maculatum

Jannah of Maculatum


Jannah of Maculatum


"The Bearer"


Maculata are endothermic bipeds who walk--or leap--on the balls of two toed feet.



Lady Jannah is the new Master of her species, the Maculata. Isolated in uncharted space, purposely hiding in a binary, sunless system, the Lady's people subsist. Their only purpose: to evolve biologically and technologicaly. 

She, like the rest of her people, was genetically engineered and grown to maturity in a facility. Maculata learn remotely and unconsciously before they wake and take their place in society. The ways of her people and the basis of all sciences were fed into her brain by Maculata technology. She is the next in the Bearer line: created and marked by the previous Master to take his place after death.

Lady Jannah develops a particular interest in Synergystic Science and Displacement Technologies. She is one of three trusted Council Members who is entrusted with the cotinuance and protection of her people's greatest technological secret.

Unfortunately, only half of that secret was revealed until the Master's death when Jannah inherits her people's crown: the Curriculum.

Beset by the knowledge within the relic, and a terrorist attack by the Crystal Legion along with the encroaching threat of complete annihilation by the Trackers--Lady Jannah must make a decision.


Will Jannah condemn her people to extinction, along with the rest of the galaxy? Or will she be able to rise above the Curriculum's influence and outsmart an enemy that has hunted her people for so long, that they no longer remember why they are hiding?