Amazon Paperback and E-Book Exclusive Content!

10/11/2018 10:53

Hi Everyone! With just two days left to launch, I have some good news for you.


When the paperback of The Guardians of Truth launches this Friday, it will be enrolled in Amazon's Matchbook program.  


What does this mean for you?  

You get the print book, and the opportunity to get the corresponding e-book for just $0.99! This IS NOT a sale, this is forever! Take advantage and get The Guardians of Truth in both formats for less.  


Why bother? 

Well...if you like exclusive content you'll have to get your hands on an Amazon E-Book anyway.  The Guardians of Truth is also a part of X-Ray, which gives readers access to oodles of special content and insider information on the characters and terms you'll find in the book. 

Does it include spoilers? 

Maybe! If you're paying attention and are quick enough to catch the hints.


**X-Ray is available outside of the Matchbook program too of course, so don't worry if you're not interested in the Print Book.  X-Ray automatically comes with any e-book purchase.**  


Check it out on October 12th!