Spoiler: Crystal Legion Holos # 2 Artwork

04/11/2019 12:18

It's getting closer!  


I'm very excited to introduce a new art concept for the central character of CLH #2.  The new character pofile is also up and running, but I would like to solicit some opinions.  I have two versions of this new concept and I'd like to know which one you all prefer!


This image is of the Lady Jannah, on Maculata and inside the College with its limited lighting. Living by glow must be miserable. In fact I'm starting to wonder if the Maculata aren't actually as unhappy as their slaves. I suppose CLH, from Jannah's point of view--might educate me a little bit. 


But here we are, do you prefer #1, or #2?  Make sure to vote in the poll on our homepage.



